The 11th Shanghai International Water show - AQUATECH ended perfectly

Views: 9     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-06-05      Origin: Site

May 31, 2018, the world's largest international water show - the 11th AQUATECH Shanghai International Water Show was grandly opened at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. As the weather vane of the ion exchange resin industry, HIGER was here to come.


This is the fourth consecutive year that HIGER participates in the AQUATECH Shanghai International Water Show. In the last 4 years, HIGER developed together with the global water treatment industry.


With more exquisite booth, more elaborate exhibits and more fine makeup, HIGER attracted many buyers from home and abroad to visit and negotiate during the exhibition.


Over a cup of tea and a glass of wine, not only new clients but also old friends who have many years of cooperation gathered in our booth. Everyone exchanged technology and talked about cooperation. This small booth connected a broad world at this moment .


Meanwhile the various ion exchange resin products exhibited were unanimously recognized by domestic and overseas buyers.


During this period, our sales staff also solved many product confusions for customers who came to consult with their rich professional knowledge and warm service attitude, winning the trust of customers and establishing deeper feelings with customers.


The three-day Shanghai Water Show ended on June 2nd. After the baptism of the exhibition, HIGER has firmed its philosophy of excellence, wisdom, innovation and brand and has strengthened its confidence of integrating the global economic development. Believing that in the near future, we will jointly witness the glorious moment of HIGER.


 Tel: +86-392-2569999
 Factory: Jijiashan Industrial Park, Hebi City, Henan Province, China.
 Office: Xinhua Building, No. 75 Xinghe Street, Qibin District, Hebi City, Henan Province, China.
©Hebi Higer Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.